Conduct a Search for Companies

Use the First Source database to find companies that help you expand your markets. Finding companies that help you conduct your business better is the most important application of the First Source database.

First Source contains information on over a million companies. This large database is a gold-mine of companies that that can be deployed for the development of your business. Find suppliers, service providers or markets for your products / services in this database.

A powerful search tool helps you to find relevant companies based on geographical location, type of business, size and date of incorporation over all the million companies in the database.


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Find a Director with Associations

Directors of companies are very often very highly networked. This networking is manifest in their simultaneous directorships over multiple companies. These directorships can provide clues regarding an individual director's possible zone of influence through the connections.

First Source provides these clues by delivering all the companies on which an individual director is a director.

Besides, it provides information on the director's DIN, address, number of directorships and companies on which a directorship is held.

A director's zone of influence is most evident by seeing the kinds of industries of the companies on which the directorship is held. First Source provides this information.

There are 1.7 million directors in the First Source database. For each of these, First Source provides information on.


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